Can you smoke during Lent?

Those believers who have a bad smoking habit are often interested in whether it is possible to smoke while fasting. Can smoking be considered a sin because there are no clear guidelines for it in the Bible? Is it worth it at all to continue fasting at all if it is very difficult to give up addiction? Let's try to figure this out.

Is smoking a sin

Can you smoke during Lent? Some believe that since there is no word in the Bible about this bad habit, it is permissible not to attribute it to sins. But it is worth noting that addiction to alcohol, cigarettes and even sweets in the eyes of the church is a way to please the physical body. Therefore, during Lent or before communion, the smoker should think "I am fasting, you can not enjoy bad habits. "After all, the refusal of food symbolizes control over physical desires for the sake of spiritual forces.

Moreover, smoking can be attributed not only to bodily passion. It becomes the cause of the appearance of other vices, for example, selfishness. After all, pregnant women who smoke do not think about the harm they do to their fetus. The same can be said of parents who smoke unconsciously in front of their children. In addition, they make them prospective smokers without realizing it at all. This situation speaks not only of anti-Christian behavior, but also of the violation of all moral laws.

Orthodox family and smoking in Lent

Concluding whether it is possible to smoke while fasting before Easter suggests itself. Yes, and smoking in itself is a sin, so you should not do it, not only before communion, but at all. If you are still not completely convinced, then we also notice that this bad habit is also sinful because it causes great harm to health. The Bible teaches that health, like life, is a gift from God. Man is forbidden to reduce his health by giving in to addiction.

Why you should avoid this habit

Any smoker who justifies his behavior should know that any number of cigarettes smoked is a risk to his health. Here are some facts about this bad habit:

  • Tobacco smoke contains more than 4000 harmful substances, some of which are poisons, but nicotine is considered the most dangerous because it leads to addiction and disrupts the functioning of all organs and systems in the body;
  • heavy smokers suffer from various diseases and often suffer from viral infections, and all because nicotine weakens the immune system and causes organ damage;
  • scientists have proven that nicotine and other carcinogens contained in cigarettes lead to the formation of cancerous tumors;
  • Cigarette smoke contains a radioactive substance - polonium, which causes great damage to health.

This list is by no means exhaustive and there are many reasons why you should quit smoking and never touch them again.

Quitting smoking on Lent

Do not ask if smoking is allowed during fasting. It is better to use this period to get rid of a bad habit. Before you start, it is better to go through the rite of communion in order to start a new life and leave all sins in the past. Every believer must find the strength to fight all sinful tendencies, especially if they are harmful to his health.

Let this sacred period become for you the time when spiritual strength will transcend bodily passion. If you plan to continue smoking during the fast, then think about whether it will be worth it when the biggest addiction is under the control of your life?

Prayer will help you during this time. You need to read it clearly and believe that it will give you the strength to overcome addiction. Seek help from a priest, go to church and you can say goodbye to this sin.

priest in church and smoking in fasting

There are other ways to get rid of bad habits. You can use a piece of nicotine or chewing gum, buy supportive medications or go to a session with a psychologist. You can also find a lot of traditional medicine.

The best time to get rid of a bad habit is the last day before the start of the fast. To start the whole process, it is recommended to smoke the last cigarette in the evening and put an empty pack of cigarettes and a note on the bedside table, on which you should write "From today do not smoke anymore".

It does not matter what methods you decide to use to get rid of addiction. The most important thing is to believe in yourself and in a higher power.